Terms & Conditions


The following relates to the terms and conditions between the service provider or offeror hereby named – International Training and Consulting Services (ITCS)- and the offeree hereby named -customer/client -who agrees to purchase or buy services advertised on this website (www.tts-o.com ) or acquire in an agreement to sell transaction. The customer or client is also described as the user. ITCS website is the official medium by which its services are advertised and communication between the offeror and the offeree is made through email. Customer(s) or user should check their email boxes such as spam or promo folder as it is not the responsibility of the service provider. Customer(s) or user may want to add the service provider’s website to their favorite link site.

All necessary information such as class timetable/training schedule, third party website(s)/service(s), additional materials for training /tutorials where required and virtual link (for example, ZOOM link) would be provided to ONLY registered and fully paid customer(s) or clients. Personal Information relating to the customer(s) or client(s) must be fully provided and clear in order to generate the correct invoice and complete the proper administration process to give or furnish the right information to the right client. See privacy policy on our website in relation to why your personal information or data are collected and for how long we keep it. The customer(s) or client(s) hereby accept the terms and conditions as stated in the purchase by agreeing to make payment for the aforementioned service(s) of their choice or what has been decided upon.

See services and applicable section(s) below that apply to you – tutoring services for students and other consultancy services for business clients – in relation to specific terms and conditions.


Services supplied by the provider are classified as a unit or package and prospective customer(s) can acquire as many units as they choose which would be invoiced and result in an unconditional payment agreement. For instance, 10 Online Statistics Tutorials/Classes is considered a package. Customer(s) would receive a payment confirmation and email stating the requisite follow up process by our administration. The service provider agrees to ensure customer satisfaction is achieved in terms of the purchased service(s). This entails implementing reasonable procedures and systems to ensure that proper service(s) is/are delivered.



Tutoring services are interactive in terms of questions and answers sessions between the service provider and the students/customers. Assignments that would enable students master the materials taught in the tutorial class would be provided in class as well as take home to do whenever it is required.

Class Policy

Students who are fully registered and have paid would be given the link (ZOOM link) for the tutorial class. The link is only for the registered student and must not be shared with anyone else. See accepted payment methods below as outlined under the payment. During class, students are required to be visible by having their webcam on so that the instructor can see them. Where more than one student is seen in front of the webcam while attending the tutorial session this will result in immediate termination of that student’s class session. A student is ONLY allowed to log in from one system during the class.


Cancellation of classes are NOT expected since all tutorials are conducted online. However, a class might be cancelled for the following reasons if:

  • Instructor is sick /require medical treatment and unable to teach.
  • Several students unable to attend the class and there is a general consensus or agreement to cancel.
  • Any other reasonable reason by informing administration on time.


Refund of payment is made on a case-by-case basis based on assessment by our administration. Customer should note there may be and would be informed if there are any applicable charges depending on the reimbursement option chosen that are deductible from the paid amount.

Refund would be granted in the following instances:

  • If the customer properly asked by email to cancel the service before it is provided.
  • If the email notice is sent within 5 working days of the purchase.
  • If the services (lessons) are yet to occur or only the first class took place
  • If the services are cancelled by the service provider and there are no alternatives for the customer.

No refund would be given for:

  • Trial lessons, as the class is very cheap, and the customer can decide not to continue more lessons.
  • The customer already attended more than 1 class.
  • Any class missed other than the first by the customer.


Prices charged for the various services by the business may vary in time and subject to changes without notice due to economic situations affecting the cost to provide the services. The changes also relate to special offers of a short term. Such changes would enable us to cover operating costs and continue to serve our valued customers.


Payment for purchase(s) by a customer or client must be made before the services can be delivered. Customer must email (info@tts-o.com ) a copy of the payment confirmation / receipt to our administration so that the correct processing may be performed.  Administration would notify the customer that payment confirmation was received and about any payment that was dishonoured. Payment for services can be made in 3 ways:

  • Paypal
  • Stripe

Note: Different charges/rates for which the customer would be responsible are separate from the actual price of our service depending on the payment method the customer decides to use.


Full details of agreements in relation to other consultancy services performed by the service provider such as training for employees/staff and payment in full would be discussed and agreed to on a client basis before the commencement of the service(s).

Terms and conditions unforeseen that can affect agreed on consultancy services either expressly stated or implied that are reasonable (such as time to deliver the service, effect of technological advancement and transaction not exceeding the contract value) and relate to normal part of such business transaction, and would enable the provision/completion of the acquired service(s) would form a part of the deciding agreement between the service provider and customer.