Privacy Policy

Privacy policy are set of guidelines that we adher to in terms of (or relating to) information provided by customers and/or users of our website. The privacy policy is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR. It relates to valued data that we collect from users or customers of our site which is of outmost importance to us and is why we set out to explain how your data are used.

Who we are

We are a private consulting firm that offer various consultancy services that clients or customers can shop on our website. Our website operates as a webshop and marketing media that promotes several services for different types of customers. This enable customers and/or users access as well as shop on our e-commerce and purchase products such as tutoring and training services that are delivered online. It is also a medium where users can access information and contact us for various reasons such as employment opportunities and products updates.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Personal data about our valued customer(s) may be collected for a number of reasons.  We may collect information about you for reasons that include:

  • To provide a regular invoice for your order
  • To respond to any queries which you may have
  • To provide you better service by asking for your feedback through Google forms or other survey tools such as Contact forms
  • To send newsletters you previously agreed to receive

The various methods(media) and types of personal data that are collected by us and third parties are described under the following sections.

Contact Forms

Contact forms relate to a medium that we use to provide the services for customers. The types of information collected through the use of contact forms consist of personal and preference data.  Personal information entail data that we require with your consent and use to generate the invoice for the service(s) you purchase through our website. Some of your information that we request include:

  • name and surname
  • Home Address
  • Email

Preference information relate to data that allows us to guarantee high quality services based on your needs. These types of information may include:

  • Current status (student, employed etc.)
  • Reason for contacting us
  • Services you are interested in
  • Time zone



Newsletters is one of the channels that we use which helps keep you updated with information relating to our services and events. It assists in improving the quality of services delivered and enable our customers to be aware of new features or services.

Google Forms

Google forms is used by us to receive feedbacks because we believe your opinion matters. It is one among the several survey tools that we use to collect ideas and preferences to improve the services that you receive. Information that you provide through this medium is strictly anonymous and collected data are in aggregates. However, we may request your email (not mandatory) at the end of the form to send you newsletters if you agree.


Analysis of data that you provide as feedback assist in part of our decision-making process. This involves the use of Google Analytics to track behavioral patterns of visitors to our site. It can include the use of a “cookie” which would be stored on your browser. In order to prevent this from happening, you have the option to select and modify your browser. The information that are gathered are aggregate data for marketing purpose only in order for us to optimize the services you receive and the data would not be sold to any third party.

See attached our cookie policy to accept or decline.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies to improve our website and advertisements that we display on an on-going basis. Part of our service commitment are notifications and safeguards that ensure customers data and privacy are protected. For this, you can select which cookies from this website you want to accept and afterwards refresh the page (ctrl+F5).  Select which cookies you want to accept from this website:

Allow all cookies
Only allow functional and non-privacy sensitive cookies

We use cookies to identify the pattern of visits to our website in order to provide more services to customers. Cookies are small information files that are stored on the device you use when you search our website. It allows us to see how frequently our website is viewed as well as remembering your preferences such as language settings and location.  Your permission is not required for functional cookies contrast to tracking cookies used to show you advertisements that we need your permission. The cookies used by our website are as follows.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are necessary and they allow for the proper functioning of our website. These cookies ensure information that you access on the website are processed quickly and in the proper way. The cookies memorize and store your preferences including login status and language. For functional cookies, we do not require your permission.

Analytical cookies

These cookies allow us to analyze the usage of our website. It also enables us to determine how long you visited the pages and which of the pages. For example, the frequency of which pages are visited on our website.  We are able to evaluate from the gathered data how to improve our website and make it more user-friendly based on the cookie functionalities. In order to do this, we use Google Analytics on our website. No permission is required by you since we do not store your personal information. You can always click on the Google Analytics off button if you do not want this feature.

Social media cookies

Social media cookies enable the sharing of videos and articles that are viewed on our website. The sharing of information is made possible via means of social media buttons. These social media cookies enable the platform to identify you when you share your contents online. Additional information/ statements specific to each social media listed below are provided on their websites which are regularly updated.

  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram


Advertising Cookies (Tracking cookies)


We use these cookies to advertise services such as tutorials on our website by using third party services. These cookies allow us to improve services to you that are tailored to your visit to our website and the viewed pages. The cookies enable you to receive general advertisements that are not related to your pattern of visits to our website. Your permission is required by us for these types of cookies.



Comments or remarks that visitors leave on our website are shown in comments form, the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help detect spam.  Note that your email may create an anonymous string called “a hash” which is provided to the Gravatar service in order to see if you are using it. Privacy policy relating to the Gravatar service can be accessed on which would allow your profile picture visible to the public after approval of your comment. Comments made by visitors may be checked using an automated service that detect spam.


Media comprise of images that are uploaded onto the website. It is important that you avoid uploading images that include embedded location data (EXIF GPS). This allows visitors to the website download and extract any location data from images on the website.

How long we retain your data

On our website(, personal information you introduced via our contact form page will be retain by us for as long as you allow us. You can request to have your personal data deleted at any time by informing us through email. Note: any comment and its metadata submitted on our site are retained indefinitely. This enables us to automatically approve follow-up comments instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

We store the personal information of users (if any) they provide in their user profile when they register on our website. All users can see, edit or delete their data at any time with the exception of their username. Our administrators can also see and edit the information.



Kindly contact us by email for further enquiries or information about your data.