This course is geared for entry and/or mid-level HR employees/staff that perform recruitment, training and other succession planning activities. Participants and business clients can choose to either join a regular(general) or customized training program specific for their sector/industry. After completing the course, trainees are awarded certificate of participation by one of our affiliate institutions whose programs are accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).


Enhance your workplace customer service, productivity and performance with the following capacity development courses. Listed below are some of the training and development programs that business can consider for their employee/staff to improve operations. The following are the current courses offered that individual participants or business clients interested in training for their workers can register for.

  • Human Resource Management
  • New Employee Development


Training structure: Seminars

Benefits: Reduced training cost, effectiveness of workers on the job and improved time management for time- constrained HR/Training managers.

Location: Online (ZOOM)

Details: In consultation with the client.